All Our Worlds: Diverse Fantastic Fiction

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1 book by Bruce Lee Bond

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The Broken Coast
by Bruce Lee Bond
Set in San Francisco during twelve days in April 1906 and ending the evening after the great earthquake. Lorelei, an apparently young woman of an ancient and mysterious lienage who is the last surviving daughter of Lilith keeps to the night, and appears in a world of tong wars,sexual slavery,corruption and un-matched wealth seeking a lover as her deeds change history. Native American spirituality, ancient Jewish myth,and Christian and Chinese cultures all collide in a rush as the earth awakens beneath, and willing human sacrifice trancends the veneer of civilization.
Bisexual protagonist
bisexual, poly, race East Asian, Jewish, Native American 2014 Adult

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gay lesbian
bisexual asexual
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genderqueer race
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multiple culture all-female
disability poly
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intersex aromantic

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